
Webinar Characterization of carbon for electrodes and conductive materials for various batteries

With advances in the development of various materials, porous functional materials are attracting more and more attention in the energy and environmental fields. In this web seminar, we will explain the comprehensive structural evaluation of various types of carbon used for electrodes and conductive materials of various batteries, using (1) BET specific surface area by gas adsorption, (2) new pore distribution analysis theories such as GCMC and DFT, and (3) particle size distribution by laser diffraction and scattering and image analysis. In addition, surface characterization by water vapor adsorption, and measurement and analysis of surface area, particle size, and dispersion of precious metal catalysts by the circulation method will be introduced with examples of evaluation using the latest data. The individual question-and-answer session will be held again this year due to its popularity.

  • Lecture
  • Product Introduction
  • Question and answer session

Presented by:

Dr. Masayuki Yoshida, Manager MicrotracBEL Corp.

Webinars On-Demand

Language: Japanese